The users are responsible for all risks associated with the use of and the data transfer to PATHDET. PATHDET makes no legal liability for any claims or damages arising from the use of PATHDET.
PATHDET is not responsible for the accuracy, equivalence, and completeness of the analysis results.
Usage Policy
Prior to uploading personal sequencing data to PATHDET, the users must remove the sequence reads derived from the individuals to a level unable to identify the personal information.
The use of personal sequence data for PATHDET should be approved by the institutional review board and by the supervisor of the users’ researches.
PATHDET cannot be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or alleviate a disease or other condition in man or other animals.
The users are allowed to use PATHDET for academic and non-profit purposes but not commercial purposes.
Users’ personal information (e-mail address) is only used for the announcement of analysis submission and completion.
PATHDET deletes the sequence reads immediately after completion of the analyses and does not use or provide the sequence data for any other purposes.